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Year 5/6

Welcome to Year 5/6!👋🏻📚🏫

Rocket launch videos: 1

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Rocket launch videos: 2

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Rocket launch videos: 3

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Rocket launch videos: 4

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Rocket launch videos: 5

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Rocket launch videos: 6

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Rocket launch videos: 7

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Rocket launch videos: 8

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Rocket launch videos: 9

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Rocket launch videos: 10

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Rocket launch videos: 11

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Rocket launch videos: 13

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Rocket launch videos: 14

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Rocket launch videos: 15

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Rocket launch videos: 16

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Rocket launch videos: 17

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Rocket launch videos: 18

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Wear Green Be Green Day!

Whole School Art Exhibition 

We enjoyed preparing our work for the whole school Art Exhibition.  It was lovely to view the displays of amazing artwork from each class. Click on the Art icon at the bottom of this page to view more of the fantastic pieces of Art created by our class.

Friendship Week!

We have been celebrating Friendship Week in school. We discussed what makes a good friend and how we can be good friends to others. We have completed lots of activities in class with friends including creating artwork for a display, and had lots of fun playing with our friends outside.

Ancient Greece

Our topic this term is Ancient Greece. We will be learning all about aspects of Greek life, Greek mythology, the Ancient Greek Olympics and Greek architecture. We will study Ancient Greek pottery and create our own Ancient Greek vases.

Greek food tasting!

We worked in groups to create non-chronology reports about aspects of life in Ancient Greece including homes, food, children and clothing.

We made models of the Iron Man using recyclable materials.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

 We took part in a range of activities during Anti-Bullying week to learn about bullying and raise 

awareness of how it can be prevented. We wore odd socks on Odd Socks Day to celebrate that we are all special and unique. We also wrote a class poem based on this year’s Anti-Bullying week theme ‘Make a Noise.’


We have had great fun taking part in a Drama workshop!
