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Alternative Energy

Sustainable Development Goal 7  is aimed at providing 'Affordable and Clean Energy" and this has been our focus for the first part of Term 1.

We are grateful to Mrs J. Doherty for her expertise and advice in this area of learning.

Week 1 - We investigated how the SDG's are inextricably linked.

Week 2 - We investigated Energy from Waste

We concluded that most biogas was produced by the blueberries.

We investigated in vessel composting and planted salad seeds.

Week 3 & Week 4 - We completed the 'Floating Garden Challenge'.  This involved making a garden where farmers from Bangladesh could grow their crops with protection from drought and flooding.  We tested these in a stormy Year 1 water tray!

Week 5 - We investigated 'Energy from Water".

It was fun testing the water wheels!


Week 6 - We investigated 'Energy from Wind Power'

We had fun making our own windmills.

Week 7 - We investigated Solar Energy

We learnt lots of fun facts about solar energy and completed a revision quiz about all we have learnt during this topic.
