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After-School Activities


Our school offers a range of after-school clubs and wrap-around care for various age-groups, and we encourage all of our pupils to get involved.


This year we are offering: 


ICT, Football, Netball, Hockey, STEM, French, Cookery, Strategy Games, Cross-Country, Gardening, Art Club - Yellow Bee, Judo, Multi-Sports - Antrim Playball, and Good News Club.


Please get in touch to find out the full range of after school clubs and activities available for your child.


For more information about provision before and after school hours, please follow the links below to view the Play For All and Breakfast Club pages in the Key Information section of our website:







Here is a sneak peek into After-School Clubs at Ballinderry Primary School:

Football Club


We are extremely fortunate to have our MUGA and we have been enjoying making use of it to develop our football skills. We work on our teamwork and communication, develop our footwork, and enjoy playing skills-based games and mini matches. We participate in local tournaments with other schools and are very proud of how our teams are doing!

French Club


During the first part of Term 1 we had fun learning colours, numbers to 10 and how to greet one another in French!  We followed French instructions to make a weather disc and are now able to discuss the weather in French. We played fun games and every week we had a little taste of France!  Enjoy the slideshow below. smiley

Netball Club
Our netball team had a fantastic start to the league, they started strong with a 3-0 win against Meadowbridge and ended the afternoon on a high with a 2-0 win against Tonagh. We are so proud of this enthusiastic and hard working team, and wish them every success with their next set of league matches in January!

Gardening Club


This term we have been planning for spring! We started saving seeds from around the school to sow in spring, began to prepare the area for our new Wildflower Meadow Project and chose winning designs to put up around the area. We helped tidy parts of our school garden ready for winter and planted garlic for overwintering. We enjoyed going blackberry picking and sampled our harvest from the school grounds.

Hockey Club


Have a look at some of the skills we have been developing!

Still image for this video

We also play in tournaments and cup matches.

Running Club

Cookery Club

Each week at this club we focus on a different skill. Keep looking as we add to this each week!

 We made fruit salad, scones, chocolate chip cookies, spaghetti bolognaise and chocolate brownie mix. Yum!

Strategy Games Club


We have had lots of fun challenging each other every week with a range of different games that really put our thinking skills to the test!


Here are some more pictures:
