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Go Global

Global Learning at Ballinderry Primary School


Ballinderry Primary is very proud to be a Level 2 Global Learning School


Global Learning is essentially 'Education for a Fair and Sustainable World'.  In other words, a world free of poverty where all human beings are treated with respect and dignity, where individuals, communities, businesses and countries behave and develop in a way which meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of other people and future generations.


We embed global learning in our curriculum through integrating themes into our World Around Us topics. 


Typical global learning themes include, fair trade, climate change, environment and sustainability, poverty, social justice and inter culturalism.


At Ballinderry Primary School we promote the seventeen sustainable development goals based which have replaced the Global Goals and aim to be achieved by 2030!!


We have two "Go Global' Clubs and we meet on a Thursday afternoon.  Below you can see some of the fun things that we have been involved in.


Thank you for the Shoeboxes which Blythswood will send to those less fortunate in Romania.
