Positional Language
We are learning to sort using tree, venn and carroll diagrams.
Problem Solving
We made a 'Torn Giant' using newspaper!
2D Shape
3D Shape
We have been exploring cylinders and cuboids. We tested them to see if the would stack and roll.
We made 'Silly Cylinders' and used cuboids to make a 3D Christmas tree.
We did some practical activities before the pupils created this amazing display.
As part of Maths Week we attempted to make numbers 1-4 using our bodies!
Every day in school we do Mental Maths and most of us can count forwards past 10! We are still learning how to write our numbers. Sometimes we use little rhymes to help:
' Start at the top and down we run, that's the way we make a 1'.
'Around and back on the railway track, 2,2,2'.
We Love Playing Maths Games
We Sang and Performed the 5 Speckled Frogs song!
We are Exploring Length and are Measuring using a Variety of Non-Standard Units