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Special Events

In September we were part of the World's Largest Lesson.

In October we celebrated 'Welly Boot Week'

We discussed our feelings and how to 'Shine Bright' on

World Mental Health Day.

We took part in Maths Week

Nursery Rhyme Round Up!

Shared Education 

We LOVED our Shared Education day at Ballymacricket Primary, where our focus was on Friendship. We sang a 'Friendship' song, discussed the qualities of a good friend, made friendship bracelets and went for a friendship walk.

Anti-bullying Week 2024

We loved celebrating 'Odd Socks' day and discussed the fact that we are all unique and we are extra special.  We sang the song with 'Andy and the Odd Socks'  We watched the story of Elmer and created our own Elmer pictures.

Christmas Jumper Day 2023

A Christmas Carol

Personal Safety Week

In Year 1 our focus was on 'Farm Safety'.  Pupils watched a presentation about farm safety, designed posters and spotted the dangers on a farm. We had a further discussion about 'Stranger Danger' during our PD & MU lesson.

Term 2 Shared Education

This term, our friends from Ballymacricket Primary School came to Ballinderry.  We explores the topic of Winter and the children took part in a P.E. circuit of activities. They were so excited to renew friendships and spend time together. 

World Book Day

We had lots of fun during our 'We Love Books' week. Year 5 came to read to us, we prepared a 'Show and Tell' of our favourite book, we dressed up  and we wrote about our character. We designed a front cover for a book and we read lots of stories, fiction and non-fiction in differnet places around the school.

Friendship Week

We loved making chocolate nests for our Easter baskets!

We had fun and our focus was on reducing waste during 'Waste Week'

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice Fundraiser
